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   C 91

    Crystal Structure and Magnetic State of the LaMn1 – xVxO3 Perovskites / A. E. Teplykh, A. N. Pirogov, A. Z. Men'shikov, G. V. Bazuev // Physics of the Solid State. - 2000. - Vol. 42, № 12. - P2241-2249 : il. - Bibliogr. : p. 2249 (16 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The crystal structure and the magnetic state of polycrystalline LaMn1 – xVxO3 (0.1 < x < 0.9) compounds have been studied by x-ray and neutron diffraction methods, as well as by magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements. It is shown that substitution of vanadium for manganese ions leaves the orthorhombic crystal structure of the compounds (space group Pnma) unchanged. The magnetic structure is observed to&&change from a canted antiferromagnetic ordering (wavevector k = [0, 0, 0], with the antiferromagnetic moments aligned with the a axis and the ferromagnetic component of the magnetic moment parallel to the b axis) at vanadium concentrations x < 0.4 to a collinear antiferromagnetic ordering (with the magnetic moments parallel to the b axis) at x > 0.8; at this transition occurs through an intermediate state exhibiting spin-glass properties

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