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   K 81

    Krasnenko, T. I.
    Effect of Thermal Transformations of Constituent Polyhedra of the Crystal Structure on the Properties of Cd2V2O7 / T. I. Krasnenko, M. V. Rotermel' // Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. - 2010. - Vol. 55, № 3. - P430-433 : il. - Bibliogr. : p. 433 (5 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Analysis of variations in the linear and angular parameters of constituent polyhedra of the cad- mium pyrovanadate Cd2V2O7 structure, namely, VO4 tetrahedra and CdO6 octahedra, as calculated from the results of in situ high temperature X ray diffraction experiments in the range from 25 to 900°C, showed that, in the range from 600 to 720°C, the thermal expansion coefficient (tec) of CdO6 polyhedra is near zero, whereas VO4 tetrahedra increase in volume, although less strongly than in other temperature ranges. A structural interpretation is given to anomalous temperature dependences of cadmium ion emission and electrical conductivity on the basis of different thermal behavior patterns of the constituent polyhedra of the Cd2V2O7 structure

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