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   M 61

    Metasomatic alterations in Precambrian metabasites of the Salla-Kuolajarvi graben near the Maiskoe gold field, northern Karelia [Text] / A. A. Vol'fson , V. L. Rusinov, T. L. Krylova, A. V. Chugaev // Petrology. - 2005. - Vol. 13, № 2. - P161-186
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The metasomatic processes in Precambrian metabasites of the Salla-Kuolajarvi in the ore field of the Maiskoe gold-quartz deposit was examined. A detailed marked characterization of the the gumbeites found in the Precambrian of the Baltic Shield was also discussed. It was observed that the gumbeitization and ore deposition differed from the earlier processes by an increase in the CO2 fugacity and the activities of K2 and BAO in the solution. The temperature of the process was determined by fluid inclusions and chlorite geothermometers was 330-380°C for the early propylization.????

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    Oscillatory zoning in goldfieldite from epithermal gold deposits [Text] / O. Yu. Plotinskaya, V. A. Kovalenker, V. L. Rusinov, R. Seltmann // Doklady Earth Sciences. - 2005. - Vol. 403, № 5. - P799-802
ББК 54

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   P 51

    Petrological model of formation of giant ore deposits [Text] / A. A. Marakushev, N. A. Paneyakh, V. L. Rusinov, N. N. Pertsev, I. A. Zotov // Geology of Ore Deposits. - 1998. - Vol. 40, № 3. - P211-227. - Bibliogr. : p. 227 (46 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The available data on the giant ore deposits of chromium (Kempirsai in the Urals), platinum-group metals (Bushveld in Africa), platinum-bearing copper-nickel ores (Talnakh in the Noril'sk district, northern part of the Siberian Platform), zinc-copper (massive sulfide) ores (Gai, Sibai, and Uchaly) and apatite deposits (Khibiny, the Kola Peninsula) is summarized. The giant sizes of the deposits are caused by extraordinary ore-forming processes directly associated with the highly extensive petrogenetic processes. These processes resulted in the formation of peculiar dunites in the hyperbasite complexes (chromite ores), agpaitic urtites in alkaline associations (apatite deposits), development of low-sulfide horizons and hortonolite dunites in the basite-hyperbasite layered intrusions (platinum-group metal deposits), specific processes of transmagmatic sulfurization of the iron-rich igneous differentiates (Cu-Ni sulfide and massif sulfide ores), and processes of magmatic replacement of hyperbasites that cause the alkaline agpaitic affinity of magmatism. This agpaitic tendency increases the solubility of carbon-bearing fluid components (CO2, CH4, etc.) in magma and leads to the concentration of ore metals, which form chloride-carbonate and hydrocarbon migrating compounds in the transmagmatic fluids. Some mineralogical-petrological prospecting criteria are deduced on the basis of genetic models of giant ore deposits.

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   R 95

    Rusinova, O. V.
    Metasomatism in the Muruntau ore field (Western Uzbekistan) [Text] / O. V. Rusinova, V. L. Rusinov // Geology of Ore Deposits. - 2003. - Vol. 45, № 1. - P66-85. - Bibliogr. : p. 85 (34 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The formation of the giant Muruntau gold-quartz deposit and ore field (western Uzbekistan) is defined as a prolonged (70 Ma) multiphase geological process related to shear tension and ductile deformations of rocks. The history of the ore field development is very complicated, and there is still much to be learned about it. We studied the conditions, zonation, and deformations of the metasomatism-related ore formation, as well as the behavior of carbonaceous matter (CM) in this process. Lower Paleozoic sheared carbonaceous host rocks are regionally metamorphosed in the muscovite-chlorite subfacies. This process, which evolved over a long time (C3-P1), started with the increase in temperature (the progressive megastage) and continued during its decrease when the bulk of gold was deposited. The beginning of the process was associated with ductile deformations that showed up in folding and shearing of rocks. At that time, pre-ore magnesium-potassium metasomatism took place in the temperature interval of 400-600°C. During the regressive megastage, calcium metasomatism occurred and skarn assemblages (actinolite, clinozoisite, diopside, and garnet) were deposited at T = 400-520°C. Later, ductile deformations were replaced by brittle deformations, and quartz-ore veinlets and lenses formed together with locally developed vein-related orthoclase-chlorite, albite-carbonate, sericite-tourmaline, and quartz-adular metasomatites. The metasomatic zonation showed up at early stages and was oriented along the direction of fluid filtration. The outer (front) zone is represented by a dome of biotitized rocks. Banded biotite-feldspar-quartz metasomatites occur within them. Their back (inner) zones are composed of the biotite-orthoclase-quartz assemblage. Younger skarn assemblages make up series of thin bands within biotite-feldspar-quartz metasomatites. Ore veinlets are enclosed within this metasomatic halo. CM took an active part in the hydrothermal process: it was output from metasomatic zones and redeposited along their outer boundary. CM interacted with the hydrothermal solution and maintained the reducing medium at the level of a QFM buffer. Temperatures established by the carbon isotope thermometer (CM + carbonate) are similar to values of mineral geothermometers (250-350°C during ore deposition). The distinctive features of metasomatism in the Muruntau ore field, hosted by carbonaceous sequences and shear zones, are the absence of vein-related zonation and a poor vertical zonation (a low T gradient), suppressed acid metasomatism, and the lack of an obvious relationship between ore mineralization and a particular magmatism.????

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   T 44

    The Aktepe silver-arsenide deposits, Uzbekistan [Text] / V. A. Kovalenker, V. L. Rusinov, A. E. Kabo, J. L. Jambor // Exploration & Mining Geology. - 1995. - Vol. 4, № 2. - P111-119
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Ores rich in native silver at the Aktepe orefield near Tashkent, Uzbekistan, are similar to the arsenide-silver ores of the Cobalt-Gowganda region, Canada. The Aktepe ores occur as shoots and lenses in narrow fissures within a middle Paleozoic gabbro massif which is surrounded by Upper Paleozoic felsic volcanics and syenite intrusions. Widespread deuteric propylitization of the massif preceded ore deposition. The ore consists mainly of native silver, which is accompanied by native arsenic and bismuth, allargentum, dyscrasite, acanthite, numerous sulfides and sulfosalts, and by a Ni-Co-Fe arsenide and sulfarsenide assemblage similar to that of Cobalt-Gowganda. The Aktepe gangue minerals are mainly calcite, ferroan dolomite, and chlorite, and the veins are bordered by a wallrock-alteration assemblage of sericite-quartz-carbonate-pyrite. A difference from Cobalt-Gowganda is that the Aktepe carbonates are iron-rich, a feature which is attributed to a genetic relationship with the iron-rich host gabbros. -Authors????

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   T 44

    The epithermal gold-telluride Kochbulak deposit (Uzbekistan) [Text] / V. A. Kovalenker, Yu. G. Safonov, V. B. Naumov, V. L. Rusinov // Geology of Ore Deposits. - 1997. - Vol. 39, № 2. - P107-128. - Bibliogr. : p. 128 (42 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The Paleozoic epithermal gold-telluride Kochbulak deposit is situated on the northern slope of the Kurama Range in the central Tien Shan (Uzbekistan). The deposit is located within an andesite-dacite volcanic sequence (C2-3) intruded by subalkaline granodiorite and granosyenite porphyry dikes (C3-P1). The ore-forming system of the deposit originated and evolved during the orogenic uplift associated with aerial volcanism and emplacement of porphyritic granitoids. The Kochbulak deposit contains a great diversity of ore-forming sulfides, sulphosalts, tellurides, and selenides, several of which were first found there. The deposit has features of epithermal mineralization of both the adularia-sericite and acid-sulfate genetic types and mesothermal gold mineralization. The deposit consists of high- and low-angle veins and ore-bearing breccia pipes. The pipe-shaped bodies and veins differ in ore, gangue, and metasomatic mineral assemblages. The ore bodies hosted by explosive-hydrothermal breccias contain goldfieldite, famatinite, luzonite, enargite, diaspore, and pyrophyllite and, therefore, have pronounced features of epithermal mineralization of the acid-sulfate type. The ore veins show evidence of deeper formation and are associated with quartz-carbonate-sericite wall rock alteration. Our study of mineral assemblages, fluid inclusions, sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopes, and thermodynamic calculations show that the Kochbulak deposit was formed during a cyclic multistage process with periodic alternation of sealing along with tectonic and explosive opening of the fluid channel ways. The ore-forming process is subdivided into the preore, I to III ore, and postore stages related to fracture opening. Three types of solutions took part in the formation of gold-sulfide-sulphosalt-telluride mineralization. They were distinct in temperature, composition, salinity, and proportion of meteoric and magmatic water and other volatile components. The temperature generally decreased from 465°C to <100°C, and slightly increased at the beginning of each stage of the ore-forming process. Pressure, salinity, ion and gas composition of solutions, and the oxygen isotope composition of water varied as well. The deposition of gold-productive mineral assemblages was caused by changes in pH, Eh, activities of S2, O2, and Te2. The recurrence of these changes and repeated mineral deposition within the same depth intervals formed bodies very rich in ore components. The above-mentioned data suggest the Kochbulak deposit represents a particular type of gold-telluride mineralization, which originated within a wide range of physicochemical conditions at hypabyssal to subsurface depths.????

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   W 20

    Wall Rock Alterations and Physicochemical Conditions of the Sovetsk Gold Deposit Formation (Enisei Ridge) [Text] / O. V. Rusinova, V. L. Rusinov, S. S. Abramov, S. V. Kuznetsova, Yu. V. Vasyuta // Geology of Ore Deposits. - 1999. - Vol. 41, № 4. - P276-294. - Bibliogr. : p. 294 (24 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The mode of distribution of carbonaceous matter (CM) and specific characteristics of the metasomatic zonation were studied, as well as physicochemical conditions of the ore deposition and wall rock alteration at the Sovetsk gold deposit. The deposit relates to the quartz vein low-sulfide type and is hosted by carbonaceous rock sequences ("black shales") within a wide shear zone. This shear zone spreads along the regional Ishimbin strike-slip deep fault. The Proterozoic Tatarsk-Ayakhtin granitic complex, intruding the ore bearing rocks, composes the core of the ore district. Granites compose a pluton roof, where Olimpiada and Veduga gold deposits occur, and in contact zones the Eldorado and Pereval'ninsk deposits are located. The Sovetsk deposit is situated farther from the pluton contacts. The rocks of the ore-bearing sequence are metamorphosed in the chlorite-muscovite greenschists facies. A specific feature of wall rock alteration is unclear lateral metasomatic zonation with gradual transition between zones and alternating bands of strong and weak alterations. The main metasomatic minerals are muscovite and chlorite. Quartz and carbonate are subordinate, and ilmenite, rutile, monoclinic, and hexagonal pyrrhotites are accessories. Above ore bodies turmaline is rather common, but inside and below ore bodies albite occurs. The distribution and zonation of metasomatic parageneses allow us to call this kind of wall rock alteration as "disseminated metasomatism." The rock alteration developed sinchroneously with dynamic metamorphism in the strongly anisotropic sheared rocks. The absence or low intensity of acidic metasomatism is an important feature of the deposit. The temperature of metamorphism was 500-460°C, of wall rock alteration - 460-350°C, and of ore deposition (from early to late stages) from 380 to 150°C. The disseminated CM was metamorphosed to the low graphitic stage, and the condensed CM in veinlets corresponds to the late antracitic stage. The fugacity of oxygen and sulfur in the fluids was estimated with ilmenite = rutile + pyrrhotite equilibrium, composition of pyrrhotite and chlorite. The oxygen fugacity was lower than that of the ilmenite-magnetite buffer, and sulfur fugacity was lower than that of the pyrite-pyrhothite buffer. Nearer to the ore bodies the sulfur fugaeity increases, and inside ore bodies it corresponds to the pyrite + pyrrhotite paragenesis. The calculations of the oxygen fugacity with the gas composition in the system C-O-H suggests that the ratios CO2/CH4/H2O are close to the QFM and ilmenite-magnetite buffers and similar to that received with some mineral fugometers. Hydrocarbons with 2-4 carbon atoms appear not to be in equilibrium with CO2. The variation intervals of pH, fo2 and (before the ore deposition) of T are rather narrow. The pressure under metamorphism exceeded 1.9 kbar, but it decreased to the beginning of ore deposition to 0.7 kbar. This means that ores were deposited in an extension environment.

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   W 20

    Wall Rock Metasomatism and Formation Conditions of the Silver-Polymetallic Bol'shoi Kanimansur Deposit (Tadjikistan) [Text] / O. V. Rusinova, V. L. Rusinov, E. D. Syngaevskii , L. I. Bochek, M. I. Lapina, Yu. V. Vasyuta // Geology of Ore Deposits. - 2001. - Vol. 43, № 5. - P386-405. - Bibliogr. : p. 405 (20 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Products of the hydrothermal alteration of rocks and vertical zonality at the Kanimansur silver-polymetallic deposit (Tadjikistan) have been studied. On the basis of these studies, physicocochemical conditions of metasomatism and ore formation were reviewed. Condensed carbonaceous matter in wall rock metasomatites and ores were found and carbon isotopic composition of this carbonaceous matter and composition of gases in open pores in rocks of the deposit were analyzed. As a result of geological observations, analysis of mineral parageneses, compositions of minerals, and chemistry of wall rock alteration, the following four stages of the hydrothermal process were distinguished: autometasomatic, propylitic, preore chlorite-sericite, and synore. Mineral geothermometers were used to estimate the temperatures of metasomatism, which varied within the range 200-250°C for all stages except for the autometasomatic stage (450-500°C). The formation of unhydrated light micas, quartz, and highly ferruginuous chlorites was related to acid preore metasomatism. The stability of these chlorites testifies to a slight increase in the acidity of solutions during the preore stage (pH not less than 3.5). The wall rock metasomatites and sulfide ores are characterized by a relatively rare occurrence of pyrite due to a low activity of the sulfide sulfur during hydrothermal alterations (logaS2 = -7...-10). The low activity of the sulfide sulfur is confirmed by the fact that iron is tied in a highly ferruginuous chlorite. At upper ore levels, even zinc is tied in chlorite. This testifies to a much greater aS2 /aO2 value. Judging by the participation of carbonaceous matter in the process, ore components were deposited due to a local increase in the alkalinity at the ore-forming stage and oxidation of reduced fluids. The established features of metasomatic transformations, are related to particulars of the regional magmatism.????

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   W 20

    Wall-rock metasomatism of carbonaceous terrigenous rocks in the Lena gold district [Text] / V. L. Rusinov, O. V. Rusinova, S. G. Kryazhev , E. V. Shchegol'kov, E. I. Alysheva, S. E. Borisovskii // Geology of Ore Deposits. - 2008. - Vol. 50, № 1. - P1-40. - Bibliogr. : p. 40 (54 ref.)
ББК 54
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