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   S 49

    Serebryakov, N. S.
    High-grade calcium-sodium metasomatism and corundum formation in the Precambrian Belomorian Mobile Belt, Karelia [Text] / N. S. Serebryakov, V. L. Rusinov // Doklady Earth Sciences. - 2004. - Vol. 395, № 3. - P389-393. - Bibliogr. : p. 393 (14 ref.)
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
calcium -- corundum -- metamorphism -- metasomatism -- mobile belt -- Precambrian -- sodium
Аннотация: Study of the Khitoostrov, Varatsk, and other corundum occurrences in kyanite-garnet-biotite plagiogneisses of the Chupa section (Belomorian Mobile Belt) has revealed their association with products of low-alkaline Ca-Na metasomatism characterized by high PT conditions. Similar corundum-bearing rocks, which were also presumably formed during subalkaline metasomatism, are known in Tanzania, India, the United States, and other countries. This paper presents the first results of analysis of the corundum-forming Ca-Na metasomatism.

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   F 94

    From 1,2,4-triazines towards Substituted pyridines and their cyclometalled Pt complexes [Electronic resource] / V. N. Kozhevnikov, M. M. Ustinova, P. A. Slepukhin, D. N. Kozhevnikov, Amedeo Santoro, W. Dunkan // Tetrahedron Letters. - 2008. - Vol. 49, № 26. - P4096-4098 : рис. - Библиогр. : с. 4098 (28 назв.) . - ISSN 0040-4039
ББК 54
Аннотация: A new, efficient methodology for the synthesis of substituted thienylpyridines includes the synthesis of 3-thienyl-1,2,4-triazines using simple heterocyclisation followed by easy transformation of the triazine ring to a pyridine through an aza Diels–Alder approach. A variety of substituted pyridines can be easily achieved using cheap, commercially available reagents such as bromoacetylarenes, aroyl hydrazides, norbornadiene, and enamines in various combinations. New thienylpyridines form phosphorescent cyclometallated Pt complexes.??

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Tetrahedron Letters\\2008, v. 49, p.4096.pdf
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   S 98

    Synthesis of cyclometallated platinum complexes with substituted thienylpyridines and detailed characterization of their luminescence properties [Text] / D. N. Kozhevnikov, V. N. Kozhevnikov, M. M. Ustinova, A. Santoro, D. W. Bruce, B. Koenig, T. Fisher, M. Zabel, H. Yersin // Inorganic Chemistry . - 2009. - Vol. 48, № 9. - P4179-4189
ББК 54
Аннотация: Synthesis of various derivatives of 2-(2-thienyl)pyridine via substituted 3-thienyl-1,2,4-triazines is reported. The final step of the synthesis is a transformation of the triazine ring to pyridine in an aza-Diels-Alder-type reaction. The resulting 5-aryl-2-(2-thienyl)pyridines (HL1-HL4) and 5-aryl-2-(2-thienyl)cyclopenteno[c]pyridines (HL5-HL8) (with aryl = phenyl, 4-methoxyphenyl, 2-naphtyl, and 2-thienyl) were used as cyclometallating ligands to prepare a series of eight luminescent platinum complexes of the type [Pt(L)(acac)] (L = cyclometallating ligand, acac = acetylacetonato). X-ray single crystal structures of three complexes of that series, [Pt(L5)(acac)] = [Pt(5-phenyl- 2-(2-thienyl)cyclopenteno[c]pyridine)(acac)], [Pt(L6)(acac)] = [Pt(5-(4-methoxy)-2-(2-thienyl)cyclopenteno[c]py- ridine)(acac)], and [Pt(L7)(acac)] = [Pt(5-(2-naphtyl)-2-(2-thienyl) cyclopenteno[c]pyridine)(acac)] were determined. Photoluminescence and electronic absorption spectra of the new [Pt(L)(acac)] complexes are reported. For two representative compounds of that series, [Pt(L4)(acac)] and [Pt(L5)(acac)], a detailed photophysical characterization based on highly resolved emission and excitation spectra, as well as on emission decay properties, was carried out. The studies down to low temperature (T = 1.2 K) and up to high magnetic fields (6 = 10 T) allowed us to characterize the three individual substates of the emitting triplet state. In particular, it is shown that the lowest triplet states of [Pt(L4)(acac)] and [Pt(L5)(acac)] are largely ligand-centered (LC) of3jtjt*character, which experience only weak spin- orbit couplings to higher lying singlet states

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   P 17

    Palladium and platinum sorption on a thiocarbamoyl-derivative of chitosan [Text] / A. Butewicz, K. Campos Galivan, A. V. Pestov, Yu. G. Yatluk, A. W. Trochimczuk, E. Guibal // Journal of Applied Polymer Science . - 2010. - Vol. 116, № 6. - P3318-3330 : рис.
ББК 54
Аннотация: Immobilizing thiourea onto chitosan allowed using the polymer for the recovery of platinum groups metals (PGMs) in acidic solutions (up to 1–2M HCl concentrations). At low HCl concentration protonated amine groups may sorb chloroanionic metal species (electrostatic attraction mechanism); however, most of sorption proceeds through chelation on sulfur containing groups (less sensitive to acidic conditions). The bi-site Langmuir equation was used for fitting sorption isotherms. The sorption of PGMs was weakly affected by the composition of the solution (presence of high concentration of anions and base metals). Maximum sorption capacities for Pd(II) and Pt(IV) ranged between 274 and 330 mg g?1 in 0.25M HCl solutions and decreased to 150–198 mg g?1 in 2M HCl solutions: Pd(II) sorption was systematically higher than Pt(IV) sorption. The pseudo-second rate equation was used for modeling the uptake kinetics. Agitation speed hardly affected uptake kinetics indicating that external diffusion resistance is not the rate controlling step. Desorption yield higher than 85% were obtained using thiourea in 0.1M HCl solution. The adsorbents could be reused for at least three cycles

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   N 10

    N-(2-(2-Pyridyl)ethyl)chitosan (PEC) for Pd(II) and Pt(IV) sorption from HCl solutions [] / L. A. Santos Sorena, M. Ruiz, A. V. Pestov, A. M. Sastre, Yu. G. Yatluk, E. Guibal // Cellulose. - 2010. - 6 December. - Online first : рис., табл.
ББК 54
Аннотация: Chitosan was modified by grafting 2-pyridyl-ethyl moieties on the biopolymer backbone for the synthesis of a Platinum Group Metal (PGM) sorbent. The sorbent was tested for Pd(II) and Pt(IV) sorption from HCl solutions. Stable for HCl concentrations below 0.5 M, the sorbent reached sorption capacities as high as 3.2 and 2.6 mmol metal g1 for Pd(II) and Pt(IV), respectively. Metal sorption mainly proceeds by electrostatic attraction in acidic solutions, though a contribution of complexation mechanism cannot be totally rejected. The resistance to intraparticle diffusion is the main controlling mechanism for uptake kinetics. While agitation speed has a limited effect on kinetics, metal concentration and sorbent dosage have a greater effect on the kinetic profiles. The intraparticle diffusivity varies between 3 10?11 and 4.5 1010 m2 min1. Thiourea (combined with HCl solution) is used for Pd(II) and Pt(IV) desorption. The resin could be desorbed and recycled for a minimum of five cycles maintaining high efficiencies of sorption and desorption

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    2,2 '-Bipyridinyl carboranes as B,N,N-ligands in cyclometallated complexes of platinum(II) [] / A. M. Prokhorov, P. A. Slepukhin, V. L. Rusinov, V. N. Kalinin, D. N. Kozhevnikov // Chemical Communications. - 2011. - Vol. 47, № 27. - С. 7713-7715
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Novel B,N,N-cyclometallated Pt(II) complexes of 2,2'-bipyridin-6-yl carboranes exhibit absorption and emission similar to relative Pt(II) complexes of aromatic C,N,N-ligands: the same transitions but lower intensities. DFT calculations suggest the former emits from the (3)MLCT state while for the latter the mixed (3)ICT-MLCT transitions should be considered

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Chemical Communications\\2011,v.47. p.7713.pdf
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   S 73

    Sorbents based on modified polysiloxanes [Text] / L. K. Neudachina, A. Y. Golub, Yu. G. Yatluk, V. A. Osipova, Yu. A. Berdugin, E. M. Gorbunova, L. V. Adamova, O. V. Koryakova, M. V. Kuznetsov // Inorganic Materials. - 2011. - Vol. 47, № 4. - P435-441 : ил. - Bibliogr. : p. 441 (15 ref.)
ББК 54
Аннотация: Organic-inorganic hybrid sorbents based on a polysiloxane modified with amino and thiourea groups have been synthesized for the first time by a sol-gel process. The structure of the sorbents has been determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and IR spectroscopy. Their thermal stability has been assessed and the mechanism of their degradation has been elucidated. The structural and adsorption parameters of the sorbents have been evaluated. The results demonstrate that the introduction of amino groups into the structure of the polysiloxane yields an effective sorbent for Pb(II) extraction and enables Cu(II) and Zn(II) separation from Co(II) and Ni(II). The thiourea-modified polysiloxane selectively sorbs Bi(III) (0.1-2 M HCl), Pt(IV) (pH 2), and Pb(II) (pH 3). Divalent Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn can be sorbed from alkaline solutions

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Inorganic Materials\\2011, v.47, N 4, p. 435.pdf
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   N 10

    N-(2-(2-Pyridyl)ethyl)chitosan (PEC) for Pd(II) and Pt(IV) sorption from HCl solutions / L. A. Santos Sorena, M. Ruiz, A. V. Pestov, A. M. Sastre, Yu. G. Yatluk, E. Guibal // Cellulose. - 2011. - Vol. 18, № 2. - С. 309-325
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Chitosan was modified by grafting 2-pyridyl-ethyl moieties on the biopolymer backbone for the synthesis of a Platinum Group Metal (PGM) sorbent. The sorbent was tested for Pd(II) and Pt(IV) sorption from HCl solutions. Stable for HCl concentrations below 0.5 M, the sorbent reached sorption capacities as high as 3.2 and 2.6 mmol metal g?1 for Pd(II) and Pt(IV), respectively. Metal sorption mainly proceeds by electrostatic attraction in acidic solutions, though a contribution of complexation mechanism cannot be totally rejected. The resistance to intraparticle diffusion is the main controlling mechanism for uptake kinetics. While agitation speed has a limited effect on kinetics, metal concentration and sorbent dosage have a greater effect on the kinetic profiles. The intraparticle diffusivity varies between 3 ? 10?11 and 4.5 10?10 m2 min?1. Thiourea (combined with HCl solution) is used for Pd(II) and Pt(IV) desorption. The resin could be desorbed and recycled for a minimum of five cycles maintaining high efficiencies of sorption and desorption. ??

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   T 45

    Thiocarbamoyl chitosan: Synthesis, characterization and sorption of Au(III), Pt(IV), and Pd(II) [Text] / S. YU. Bratskaya, A. Yu. Ustinov, Yu. A. Azarova, A. V. Pestov // Carbohydrate Polymers. - 2011. - Vol. 85, № 4. - P854-861 : ил. - Bibliogr. : p. 860-861 (39 ref.)
ББК 54
Аннотация: Here we suggest a new method of chitosan sulfur derivatives (thiocarbamoylchitosans, TC-chitosans) synthesis via reaction in eutectic two-component system ammonium rodanide–thiourea that allows significant increase of substitution degrees at the reduced time and reagent consumption as compared to conventional synthetic procedures. The sorption properties of TC-chitosans with substitution degrees (DS) from 0.4 to 0.9 toward Au(III), Pt(IV), Pd(II) ions were studied in chloride solutions, including systems with 10 to 1000-fold excess of Fe(III), Cu(II), and Zn(II) over the precious metal ions content. The sorption capacities of TC-chitosans increase with DS and change in the row: Au(III) Pd(II) Pt(IV) ? Cu(II) Fe(III) Zn(II). The maximum sorption capacities of TC-chitosan with DS 0.9 for Pt(IV), Pd(II), and Au(III) were 1.24 mmol/g, 3.43 mmol/g, and 3.81 mmol/g, respectively. Characterization of precious metals oxidation states by the XPS method after the sorption on TC-chitosan revealed that the platinum and gold recovery occurred with reduction of Au(III) to Au(I)/Au(0) and Pt(IV) to Pt(II)????

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Carbohydrate Polymers\\2011, v. 85, p.854.pdf
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   С 65

    Сорбционные материалы на основе модифицированных полисилоксанов [] / Л. К. Неудачина, А. Я. Голуб, Ю. Г. Ятлук, В. А. Осипова, Ю. А. Бердюгин, Е. М. Горбунова, Л. В. Адамова, О. В. Корякова, М. В. Кузнецов // Неорганические материалы. - 2011. - Т. 47, № 4. - С. 492-498 : рис., табл. - Библиогр.: с. 498 (15 назв.)
ББК 54
Аннотация: Золь–гель-методом впервые синтезированы гибридные органо-неорганические сорбционные материалы на основе полисилоксана, модифицированного амино- и тиокарбамидными группами. Структура сорбентов подтверждена методами РФЭС и ИК-спектрометрии. Исследованы термическая устойчивость и механизм разрушения образцов. Рассчитаны структурно-адсорбционные характеристики сорбентов. Показано, что введение аминогрупп в структуру полисилоксана приводит к получению эффективного сорбента для извлечения Pb(II) и позволяет отделить Cu(II) и Zn(II) от Co(II) и Ni(II). Тиокарбомоилированный полисилоксан селективно сорбирует Bi(III) (0.1–2 М HCl), Pt(IV) (рН 2) и Pb(II) (рН 3), а также двухвалентные Co, Ni, Cu и Zn из щелочных растворов. ??

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