Инвентарный номер: нет.
   F 33

    Fedorova, O. V.
    Croun-Esthers and Podands Bearing N-Heterocycles [Text] : доклад, тезисы доклада / O. V. Fedorova, G. L. Rusinov, I. G. Ovchinnikova // International Memorial I.Postovsky Conference on Organic Chemisty, Ekaterinburg, March 17-20, 1998 : program and abstracts. - Ekaterinburg, 1998. - P59
ББК 54

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   M 46

    Media role in the scandium complexation reaction with dibenzo-18-crown-6 [Text] / O. V. Fedorova, A. G. Shirokova, O. V. Koryakova, S. P. Yatsenko // 7 Int. Conf. "The Probl. Solvat. and Complex Format. Solut." Ivanovo, June 29 - July 2, 1998. - Ivanovo, 1998. - P281.
ББК 22
Аннотация: Методами ИК- и УФ-спектроскопии исследовано комплексообразование Sc(3+) с дибензо-18-крауном-6 в бинарных системах CHCl3/ДМФА...

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   F 70

    Fluorinated lithium 1,3-diketonates as reagents to modify podands and crown-ethers [Electronic resource] / N. S. Boltacheva, O. V. Fedorova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, O. N. Kazheva, A. N. Chekhlov, O. A. Dyachenko, G. L. Rusinov, V. I. Filyakova, V. N. Charushin // Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. - 2007. - Vol. 128, № 7. - P762-768
ББК 54
Аннотация: Fluorinated enaminoketones, a new type of ligands, bearing two independent coordination centers (polyether's and fluorinated enaminoketones fragments) have been obtained. The crystal structure of the Cu(II) complex of 1,5-bis-[2-(4`,4`,4`-trifluoro-1`-methyl-3`oxo-but-1`-enylamino)-phenoxy]-3-oxapentane (10) has been elucidated by X-ray crystallography. The results obtained show that the complex 10 consists of two crystallographically independent molecules C26H24CuF6N2O5 (A and B), and the metal atom in the complex 10 has four-coordinated arrangement, as a polyhedron with a distorted square with two nitrogen and two oxygen atoms located in corners.

\\\\expert2\\nbo\\Journal of Fluorine Chemistry\\2007, v.128. p.762.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   D 55

    Diesters on the basis of 16-hydroxyisosteviol and dicarboxylic acids as carriers of Fe(III) picrates [Electronic resource] / V. E. Kataev, O. I. Militsina, I. Yu. Strobykina, A. T. Gubaidullin, V. V. Zverev, O. N. Kataeva, O. V. Fedorova, M. S. Valova, G. L. Rusinov // Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. - 2008. - Vol. 60, № 1-2. - P51-58. - Библиогр. : с. 58 (32 назв.)
ББК 54
Аннотация: Diesters on the basis of 16-hydroxyisosteviol and dicarboxylic acids, exhibiting anti-tubercular activity, transport Fe(III) through liquid chloroform membrane which models a cell membrane. It is revealed that fluxes and anti-tubercular activity increase, as the length of the chain (spacer) between two ent-beyran skeletons of diesters increases. Computations on the level DFT/PBE explain the dependence of complexes stability on a structure of diterpenoid ligands. The structures of three diesters were established by single crystal X-ray analysis. ??

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry\\2008, V.60, N1-2, 51.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 98

    Synthesis and anti-tuberculous activity of diesters based on isosteviol and dicarboxylic acids [Electronic resource] / V. E. Kataev, O. I. Militsina, I. Yu. Strobykina, G. I. Kovylyaeva, R. Z. Musin, O. V. Fedorova, G. L. Rusinov, M. N. Zueva, G. G. Mordovskoi, A. G. Tolstikov // Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. - 2006. - Vol. 40, № 9. - P473-475. - Библиогр. : с. 475 (17 назв.)
ББК 54
Аннотация: Diesters based on isosteviol and dicarboxylic acids were synthesized and tested for antituberculous activity. Isosteviol and some of its derivatives exhibit appreciable tuberculostatic properties in vitro, the activity being dependent on the length of the polymethylene spacer connecting two ent-beyeran fragments. The mechanism of the antituberculous action of isosteviol derivatives are discussed.

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal\\2006, 40 (9), 473.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.

    Isosteviol and some of its derivatives as receptors and carriers of amino acid picrates [Electronic resource] / V. E. Kataev, I. Yu. Strobykina, O. I. Militsina, M. G. Korochkina, O. V. Fedorova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, M. S. Valova, G. L. Rusinov // Tetrahedron Letters. - 2006. - Vol. 47, № 13. - P2137-2139
ББК 54
Аннотация: The ability of diterpenoid isosteviol 1 (ent-16-oxobeyeran-19-oic acid) and some of its derivatives with ester and amide groups to bind amino acid picrates in the course of their transport through a liquid chloroform membrane was observed for the first time. Isosteviol was very competitive with dibenzo-18-crown-6 and N,N?-bis(isostevioyl)-1,4-phenylenediamine 5 was even more effective in transportation of d,l-tryptophan through a liquid chloroform membrane.

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Tetrahedron Letters\\2006, v. 47, p.2137.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   M 94

    Multicomponent sonochemical synthesis of podands [Text] / M. S. Zhidovinova, O. V. Fedorova, G. L. Rusinov, I. G. Ovchinnikova // Molecular Diversity. - 2003. - Vol. 6, № 3-4. - P323-326
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: An efficient sonochemical methodology is described for the synthesis of new podands containing substituted dihydropyrimidines.

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   N 89

    Novel fluorine-containing enaminoketones modifed by podandes and crown ethers [Text] : доклад, тезисы доклада / V. I. Filyakova, N. S. Boltacheva, O. V. Fedorova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, G. L. Rusinov, V. N. Charushin, O. N. Kazheva, A. N. Chekhlov, O. A. Dyachenko // 18th ISFC international Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry. Bremen, 30th Jul.-4 Aug. 2006 г. : Final Program. Abstracts. - Bremen, 2006. - P328
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   A 10

    A new family of Chromophores based on 2-pyridines and oxazoles for the off-resonant optical kerr effect [Text] : доклад, тезисы доклада / O. N. Chupakhin, G. L. Rusinov, D. G. Beresnev, N. A. Itsikson, I. G. Ovchinnikova, O. V. Fedorova // XXth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Stockholm,Sweden, 18-21 Aug. 2002 г. - Stockholm, 2002. - PG:1
ББК 54

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 98

    Synthesis of dihydroazolopyrimidine-containing crown-ethers [] : доклад, тезисы доклада / M. S. Valova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, O. V. Fedorova, O. V. Koryakova, P. A. Slepukhin, G. L. Rusinov // XVIII Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии, М., 23-28 сентября 2007 г. : тез. докл. - М., 2007. - Т. 5: II Российско-индийский симпозиум по органической химии. - С. 130
ББК 54

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   M 94

    Multicomponent Synthesis of Pyrrol-containing Podands under Heterogeneous Catalysis Conditions [Text] / O. V. Fedorova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, G. L. Rusinov, Yu. A. Titova // IV International Conference "Multi-Component Reactions and Related Chemistry", Ekaterinburg, 24-28 May 2009. - Екатеринбург, 2009. - PS 6. - Bibliogr. : p. 6 (1 ref.)
ББК 54

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   R 45

    Research of Nanosized Metal Oxide Action on Regio- and Stereoselectivity of the Multicomponent Hantzsch Reaction [Text] / Yu. A. Titova, O. V. Fedorova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, M. S. Valova, O. V. Koryakova, G. L. Rusinov, V. N. Charushin // IV International Conference "Multi-Component Reactions and Related Chemistry", Ekaterinburg, 24-28 May 2009. - Екатеринбург, 2009. - PS 44
ББК 54

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 98

    Synthesis and Structure of Isopropyl 5-Methyl-7-aryl-4,7-dihydrotetrazolo[1,5-a]pyrymidine-6-carboxylates [Text] / I. N. Vladimirov, A. A. Zorina, E. V. Nosova, V. L. Gein, O. V. Fedorova, M. I. Vakhrin // IV International Conference "Multi-Component Reactions and Related Chemistry", Ekaterinburg, 24-28 May 2009. - Екатеринбург, 2009. - PS 49
ББК 54

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   A 48

    Aminoazoles in the three-component synthesis of 7-substituted 6-ethoxycarbonyl-5-methyl-4,7-dihydroazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines [Electronic resource] / O. V. Fedorova, M. S. Zhidovinova, G. L. Rusinov, I. G. Ovchinnikova // Russian Chemical Bulletin (Translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya). - 2003. - Vol. 52, № 8. - P1768-1769
ББК 54
Аннотация: The three-component synthesis of 7-substituted 6-ethoxycarbonyl-5-methyl-4,7-dihydroazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines was carried out for the first time by the reactions of aminoazoles (3-aminopyrazole, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, or 5-aminotetrazole) with acetoacetic ester and aliphatic, aromatic, or heteroaromatic aldehyde.??

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Russian Chemical Bulletin\\2003, 52 (8), 1768.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 72

    Sonochemical synthesis of Biginelli compounds [Electronic resource] / M. S. Zhidovinova, O. V. Fedorova, G. L. Rusinov, I. G. Ovchinnikova // Russian Chemical Bulletin (Translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya). - 2003. - Vol. 52, № 11. - P2527-2528
ББК 54
Аннотация: The ultrasound effect accelerates the Biginelli reaction 40 and more times. A sonochemical method for the synthesis of ethyl 4-R-6-methyl-2-oxo- and 4-R-6-methyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylates was developed. The target products were obtained within 2 to 5 min in 90—95% yields.

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Russian Chemical Bulletin\\2003, 52 (11), 2527.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   M 79

    Molecular structures of chalcone podands: A prognosis of photoinduced transformations in the crystals [Text] / I. G. Ovchinnikova, O. V. Fedorova, P. A. Slepukhin, I. A. Litvinov, G. L. Rusinov // Crystallography Reports. - 2009. - Vol. 54, № 1. - P31-39
ББК 54
Аннотация: A series of chalcone podands with the propenone group in the ortho position of the bridging aryl substituent with respect to the oxyethylene fragment is synthesized. The influence of the preorganization of the chalcone podand molecules in crystals on their ability to participate in topochemical reactions is investigated. From analyzing the X-ray structural data, the highest probability of the solid-state photochemical [2 + 2]cycloaddition is predicted for podands with phenyl substituents and the oxyethylene fragment containing two or three oxygen atoms. The X-ray structural data for the chalcone podand C32H26O4 (3a) are as follows: a = 7.904(9) A, b = 14.92(2) A, c = 21.30(3) A, ? = 91.7(1)°, monoclinic system, space group P21/c, Z = 4, V = 2510(5) A3, ? = 1.26 g/cm3, and R = 0.046; C34H30O5 (3b): a = 15.738(9) A, b = 11.889(2) A, c = 15.0830(15) A, ? = 105.47(14)°, monoclinic system, space group C2/c, Z = 4, V = 2720.0(9) A3, ? = 1.266 g/cm3, and R = 0.0418; C32H24N2O8 (4a): a = 17.9416(18) A, b = 10.9703(8) A, c = 41.699(2) A, ? = 105.970(11)°, monoclinic system, space group P21/c, Z = 4, V = 2781.4(5) A3, ? = 1.348 g/cm3, and R = 0.0426; C36H32N2O10 (4c): a = 7.6286(5)A, b = 17.9398(10) A, c = 11.5890(3)A, ? = 95.287(4)°, monoclinic system, space group P21/n, Z = 2, V = 1579.27(14) A3, ? = 1.372 g/cm3, and R = 0.0377; and C28H22O6 (5a): a = 15.6032(10) A, b = 8.1131(5) A, c = 17.7334(11) A, ? = 91.381(5)°, monoclinic system, space group C2/c, Z = 4, V = 2244.2(2) A3, ? = 1.345 g/cm3, and R = 0.0309.

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   P 58

    Photoinduced template synthesis of cyclobutane-containing crown ether [Electronic resource] / I. G. Ovchinnikova, O. V. Fedorova, P. A. Slepukhin, G. L. Rusinov // Russian Chemical Bulletin (Translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya). - 2008. - Vol. 57, № 1. - P212-214
ББК 54
Аннотация: The photoinitiated [2+2]-cycloaddition of 1,5-bis[2-(3-phenyl-3-oxoprop-1-en-1-yl)phenoxy]-3-oxapentane in solution was studied. In the presence of potassium cations, the reaction is intramolecular and gives crown ether containing the ?-truxin-type cyclobutane fragment (anti, head-to-head) as the major product.

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Russian Chemical Bulletin\\2008, 57 (1), 212.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   N 52

    New 1,2,4-triazine-containing podands: synthesis and properties [Electronic resource] / O. N. Chupakhin, G. L. Rusinov, N. A. Itsikson, D. G. Beresnev, O. V. Fedorova, I. G. Ovchinnikova // Russian Chemical Bulletin (Translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya). - 2004. - Vol. 53, № 10. - P2308-2313
ББК 54
Аннотация: A method of one-step C-C coupling of 1,5-bis(2,6-dimethylphenoxy)-3-oxapentane (1a) and 1,8-bis(2,6-dimethylphenoxy)-3,6-dioxaoctane (1b) with 3-methylthio- (2) and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazine (3) and 3-aryl-1,2,4-triazin-5-one (6-8) has been described. The reaction of compounds 1a,b with compounds 2 and 3 in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid results in the addition of the dimethylphenoxy group to the unsubstituted C(5) carbon atom of the triazine ring. The reactions of triazinones 6-8 with compounds 1a,b in a mixture of trifluoroacetic acid and organic anhydrides are accompanied by the acylation of the nitrogen atom adjacent to the reaction center and affords bis[(3-R-1-acyl-5-oxo-1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-1,2,4-triazin-6-yl)-2,6-dimethylphenoxy]-3-oxapentane or -3,6-dioxaoctane. The obtained adducts can smoothly be oxidized under mild conditions to form more stable products of nucleophilic hydrogen substitution in the triazine ring. The extraction and transport of Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations through an organic membrane by the compounds synthesized are discussed.

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Russian Chemical Bulletin\\2004, 53 (10), 2308.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.
   C 31

    Catalytic effect of nanosized metal oxides on the Hantzsch reaction [Text] / O. V. Fedorova, O. V. Koryakova, M. S. Valova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, Yu. A. Titova, G. L. Rusinov, V. N. Charushin // Kinetics and Catalysis. - 2010. - Vol. 51, № 4. - P566-572
ББК 54
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The effect of nanosized copper and aluminum oxides, which have a higher sorption capacity than that of bulk samples, on the Hantzsch reaction was studied. The adsorption of starting benzaldehydes and ethyl acetoacetate on the surface of copper and aluminum nanooxides resulted in the activation of these molecules and accelerated the Hantzsch reaction. In addition, considerable activation of ammonia and intermediates (chalcone and enamine) on the surface of aluminum nanooxide facilitated an increase in the rate and selectivity of the process. The experimental results were used to develop a one-pot method for the preparation of nifedipine and nitrendipine

\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Kinetics and Catalysis\\2010, v. 51, N 4, p. 566-572.pdf

Инвентарный номер: нет.

    Investigation of nanosized metal oxides as stereoselective catalysts of the Hantzsch and Biginelli reactions [Text] / O. V. Fedorova, I. G. Ovchinnikova, V. G. Kharchuk, G. L. Rusinov, M. A. Uimin, A. A. Mysik, A. Ye. Yermakov, Y. R. Uhm, C. K. Rhee, V. N. Charushin // 8-th International Symposium on Nanocomposites and Nanoporous Materials (ISNNM8) , Jeju, Korea, Febr. 22-24. 2007. - Jeju Haevichi Resort, Korea, 2007. - P181-182
ББК 54