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 1-20    21-40   41-52 
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   E 97

    Experimental determination of superheated liquid density by the optical fiber method [Electronic resource] / A. L Gurashkin, A. A. Starostin, A. A. Uimin, A. D. Yampol'skiy, G. V. Ermakov, P. V. Skripov // Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. - 2013. - Vol.22, №3. - P194-202. - Bibliogr. : p. 202 (21 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: An experimental approach to determination of the density of liquid superheated with respect to the liquid-vapor equilibrium temperature, including the range of high degrees of superheating, is developed. The approach is based on application of an optical fiber method combined with a pure bubble chamber. Performance of the method for investigation of the refractive index and density for superheated liquids as functions of temperature and pressure is illustrated in experiments with n-hexane as a reference substance for thermophysical measurements. The relative density measurements are performed with a resolution up to 10-4 at a characteristic time of 1 ms. For absolute measurements, the setup should be calibrated by the known data on the liquid density for the saturation line

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Journal of Engineering Thermophysics\\2013, V.22, N 3. P. 194-202.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   T 44

    The visualization of boiling-up onset of superheated n-pentane in a glass capillary at atmospheric pressure by high-speed video [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, M. A. Parshakova, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2013. - Vol.60, №1. - P612-615. - Bibliogr. : p. 615 (12 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Experimental study of boiling-up of superheated n-pentane at atmospheric pressure in a glass capillary was carried out by high-speed video. From a visual comparison of video frames, we consider the character of vaporization in three temperature ranges corresponding to the following areas of the temperature dependence of the mean lifetime of metastable state: low temperature descending section, "plateau", and boundary of attainable superheat. Temperature at the boundary of attainable superheat was about 2 °C lower than the maximum values reported in the literature and achieved in the more narrow capillaries and 2.5 °C lower than at the homogeneous boundary of attainable superheat

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer\\2013, v.60, p.612-615.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 81

    Statistical properties of fluctuation boiling centers on the wall of a silylated glass cell for n-pentane near the boundary of attainable superheat [Electronic resource] / S. A. Perminov, E. V. Lipnyagov, G. V. Ermakov, M. A. Parshakova // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2013. - Vol.57, №1. - P429-431. - Bibliogr. : p. 431 (11 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: High-speed video has been first used to show visually the existence of reproducible fluctuation boiling centers on a solid wall of an experimental cell for liquids superheated to the attainable superheat boundary. The main statistical characteristics of fluctuation centers have been calculated with allowance for censoring. The nonstationarity of a fluctuation process leading to the appearance of a nucleus capable of spontaneous growth has been shown. The change in the density of distribution of probabilities of boiling-up on an ensemble of centers with an increase in their number has been demonstrated. With an increase in the number of centers the probability of observation of large lifetimes of a liquid in the state of superheating decreases rapidly

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer\\2013, v.57, p.429-431.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   E 97

    Experimental determination of superheated liquid density by the optical fiber method [Electronic resource] / A. L Gurashkin, A. A. Starostin, A. A. Uimin, A. D. Yampol'skiy, G. V. Ermakov, P. V. Skripov // Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. - 2013. - Vol.22, №3. - P194-202. - Bibliogr. : p. 202 (21 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: An experimental approach to determination of the density of liquid superheated with respect to the liquid-vapor equilibrium temperature, including the range of high degrees of superheating, is developed. The approach is based on application of an optical fiber method combined with a pure bubble chamber. Performance of the method for investigation of the refractive index and density for superheated liquids as functions of temperature and pressure is illustrated in experiments with n-hexane as a reference substance for thermophysical measurements. The relative density measurements are performed with a resolution up to 10-4 at a characteristic time of 1 ms. For absolute measurements, the setup should be calibrated by the known data on the liquid density for the saturation line

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Journal of Engineering Thermophysics\\2013, V.22, N 3. P. 194-202.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 81

    Statistical properties of fluctuation boiling centers on the wall of a silylated glass cell for n-pentane near the boundary of attainable superheat [Electronic resource] / S. A. Perminov, E. V. Lipnyagov, G. V. Ermakov, M. A. Parshakova // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2013. - Vol.57, №1. - P429-431. - Bibliogr. : p. 431 (11 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: High-speed video has been first used to show visually the existence of reproducible fluctuation boiling centers on a solid wall of an experimental cell for liquids superheated to the attainable superheat boundary. The main statistical characteristics of fluctuation centers have been calculated with allowance for censoring. The nonstationarity of a fluctuation process leading to the appearance of a nucleus capable of spontaneous growth has been shown. The change in the density of distribution of probabilities of boiling-up on an ensemble of centers with an increase in their number has been demonstrated. With an increase in the number of centers the probability of observation of large lifetimes of a liquid in the state of superheating decreases rapidly

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer\\2013, v.57, p.429-431.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   T 44

    The visualization of boiling-up onset of superheated n-pentane in a glass capillary at atmospheric pressure by high-speed video [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, M. A. Parshakova, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2013. - Vol.60, №1. - P612-615. - Bibliogr. : p. 615 (12 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Experimental study of boiling-up of superheated n-pentane at atmospheric pressure in a glass capillary was carried out by high-speed video. From a visual comparison of video frames, we consider the character of vaporization in three temperature ranges corresponding to the following areas of the temperature dependence of the mean lifetime of metastable state: low temperature descending section, "plateau", and boundary of attainable superheat. Temperature at the boundary of attainable superheat was about 2 °C lower than the maximum values reported in the literature and achieved in the more narrow capillaries and 2.5 °C lower than at the homogeneous boundary of attainable superheat

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer\\2013, v.60, p.612-615.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   C 73

    Communication: high speed optical investigations of a character of boiling-up onset [Electronic resource] / A. L Gurashkin, A. A. Starostin, G. V. Ermakov, P. V. Skripov // Journal of Chemical Physics. - 2012. - Vol.136, №2. - P021102. - Bibliogr. : p.
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: In this communication, we discuss the phenomenon of attainable superheat of liquid and the peculiarities of its release by spontaneous boiling-up. We have combined the apparatus for superheating, namely, bubble chamber, with a high speed micro-optical method for detailed monitoring of the initial stage of boiling-up. In experiments on the isothermal pressure drop, it was found that the boiling-up onset of n-hexane is accompanied by characteristic step signal. The signal has proved to be typical of the heterogeneous character of boiling-up onset in a whole range of superheating degrees. The performance of the method for investigation of the refractive index and density for superheated liquids as functions of temperature and pressure has been revealed. The experimental error is estimated to be 0.1%.

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Journal of Chemical Physics\\2012, V.136, p.021102.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   Z 19

    Zakharov, M. S.
    Effect of External Nonuniform Magnetic Field on Flux Creep Process in Superconductor [Electronic resource] / M. S. Zakharov, B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. - 2012. - Article in Press. - P1-4
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The effect of an external nonuniform magnetic field on the flux creep rate in a high-temperature superconductor with trapped magnetic flux was studied. The magnetic relaxation was suppressed when the superconductor was put into a field of permanent magnets or when it approached a ferromagnet. The effect arises when the field sources (being magnetized, the ferromagnet produces its own field) are placed near the superconductor surface, where the flux line ends are located. For these cases, we carried out the calculations of vortex and current density distributions, which demonstrate that reverse currents flow in the near-surface regions of the sample. This verifies the hypothesis suggested earlier about the influence of counter Lorentz forces retarding the creep of the vortices. In the interpretation of the results, we also take into consideration the magnetic force acting on the vortex ends in the external nonuniform magnetic field that allows us to explain the experimental results, in which the current structure in the sample is unipolar

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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   C 73

    Communication: high speed optical investigations of a character of boiling-up onset [Electronic resource] / A. L Gurashkin, A. A. Starostin, G. V. Ermakov, P. V. Skripov // Journal of Chemical Physics. - 2012. - Vol.136, №2. - P021102. - Bibliogr. : p.
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: In this communication, we discuss the phenomenon of attainable superheat of liquid and the peculiarities of its release by spontaneous boiling-up. We have combined the apparatus for superheating, namely, bubble chamber, with a high speed micro-optical method for detailed monitoring of the initial stage of boiling-up. In experiments on the isothermal pressure drop, it was found that the boiling-up onset of n-hexane is accompanied by characteristic step signal. The signal has proved to be typical of the heterogeneous character of boiling-up onset in a whole range of superheating degrees. The performance of the method for investigation of the refractive index and density for superheated liquids as functions of temperature and pressure has been revealed. The experimental error is estimated to be 0.1%.

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Journal of Chemical Physics\\2012, V.136, p.021102.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   Z 19

    Zakharov, M. S.
    Effect of External Nonuniform Magnetic Field on Flux Creep Process in Superconductor [Electronic resource] / M. S. Zakharov, B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. - 2012. - Article in Press. - P1-4
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The effect of an external nonuniform magnetic field on the flux creep rate in a high-temperature superconductor with trapped magnetic flux was studied. The magnetic relaxation was suppressed when the superconductor was put into a field of permanent magnets or when it approached a ferromagnet. The effect arises when the field sources (being magnetized, the ferromagnet produces its own field) are placed near the superconductor surface, where the flux line ends are located. For these cases, we carried out the calculations of vortex and current density distributions, which demonstrate that reverse currents flow in the near-surface regions of the sample. This verifies the hypothesis suggested earlier about the influence of counter Lorentz forces retarding the creep of the vortices. In the interpretation of the results, we also take into consideration the magnetic force acting on the vortex ends in the external nonuniform magnetic field that allows us to explain the experimental results, in which the current structure in the sample is unipolar

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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 68

    Smolyak, B. M.
    Retardation of the Magnetic Relaxation in High-Temperature Superconductors Near a Ferromagnet / B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov, M. S. Zakharov // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. - 2011. - Vol.24, №1-2. - С. 325-329
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The creep of a magnetic flux trapped in a bulk high-temperature superconductor has been studied. It has been found that the magnetic relaxation is retarded when the superconductor is placed near a ferromagnet. The value of the retardation effect depends on the sequence of magnetization and the approach of the superconductor to a ferromagnet. The magnetic relaxation is fully suppressed when a superconducting sample first is magnetized and then is brought close to a ferromagnet. An interpretation of this effect has been discussed. Being magnetized, a ferromagnet produces its own magnetic field. While penetrating into a disk sample through its planes, the ferromagnet field induces screening currents, which circulate oppositely to the current that arises upon trapping of the magnetic flux. As a result, the stability of the magnetic structure is sharply improved since opposite driving forces can act on different sections of the vortices

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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 68

    Smolyak, B. M.
    Retardation of the Magnetic Relaxation in High-Temperature Superconductors Near a Ferromagnet / B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov, M. S. Zakharov // Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. - 2011. - Vol.24, №1-2. - С. 325-329
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The creep of a magnetic flux trapped in a bulk high-temperature superconductor has been studied. It has been found that the magnetic relaxation is retarded when the superconductor is placed near a ferromagnet. The value of the retardation effect depends on the sequence of magnetization and the approach of the superconductor to a ferromagnet. The magnetic relaxation is fully suppressed when a superconducting sample first is magnetized and then is brought close to a ferromagnet. An interpretation of this effect has been discussed. Being magnetized, a ferromagnet produces its own magnetic field. While penetrating into a disk sample through its planes, the ferromagnet field induces screening currents, which circulate oppositely to the current that arises upon trapping of the magnetic flux. As a result, the stability of the magnetic structure is sharply improved since opposite driving forces can act on different sections of the vortices

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   S 68

    Smolyak, B. M.
    Elimination of magnetic relaxation in superconductors on approaching a ferromagnet / B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov // Physica C. - 2010. - Vol.470, №3. - С. 218-220
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: It is found that magnetic relaxation is suppressed in a high-temperature superconductor when it approaches a ferromagnet. It is supposed that this phenomenon results from formation of a nonequilibrium magnetic structure, in which counter driving forces act in different regions

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   S 68

    Smolyak, B. M.
    Suppression of magnetic relaxation in a high-temperature superconductor placed near a ferromagnet [Electronic resource] / B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov // Technical Physics Letters . - 2010. - Vol.36, №5. - P461-463. - Bibliogr. : p. 463 (12 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The phenomenon of the suppression of magnetic relaxation in a high temperature superconduc tor (HTSC) with trapped magnetic flux has been observed when the superconducting sample approached a ferromagnet. It is suggested that the ferromagnet is magnetized in the magnetic field of the sample and, in turn, induces currents in the superconductor, which circulate in a direction opposite to that of the trapped flux current. As a result, the magnetic structure becomes stable with respect to the magnetic flux creep because oppositely directed Lorentz forces can act upon different regions of vortices.

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Technical Physics Letters (Письма в ЖТФ)\\2010, v. 36, N. 5, p.461.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 68

    Smolyak, B. M.
    Suppression of magnetic relaxation in a high-temperature superconductor placed near a ferromagnet [Electronic resource] / B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov // Technical Physics Letters . - 2010. - Vol.36, №5. - P461-463. - Bibliogr. : p. 463 (12 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: The phenomenon of the suppression of magnetic relaxation in a high temperature superconduc tor (HTSC) with trapped magnetic flux has been observed when the superconducting sample approached a ferromagnet. It is suggested that the ferromagnet is magnetized in the magnetic field of the sample and, in turn, induces currents in the superconductor, which circulate in a direction opposite to that of the trapped flux current. As a result, the magnetic structure becomes stable with respect to the magnetic flux creep because oppositely directed Lorentz forces can act upon different regions of vortices.

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Technical Physics Letters (Письма в ЖТФ)\\2010, v. 36, N. 5, p.461.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   S 68

    Smolyak, B. M.
    Elimination of magnetic relaxation in superconductors on approaching a ferromagnet / B. M. Smolyak, G. V. Ermakov // Physica C. - 2010. - Vol.470, №3. - С. 218-220
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: It is found that magnetic relaxation is suppressed in a high-temperature superconductor when it approaches a ferromagnet. It is supposed that this phenomenon results from formation of a nonequilibrium magnetic structure, in which counter driving forces act in different regions

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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   E 97

    Experimental testing of liquid boiling-up homogeneity near the boundary of the attainable superheating [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov, B. M. Smolyak // Thermophysics and Aeromtchanics. - 2009. - Vol.16, №3. - P445-457. - Bibliogr. : p. 457 (20 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Results of measured average expectancy time of n-pentane and n-hexane boiling-up to the boundary of attainable superheating are presented. Experiments have been carried out in glass capillaries with substantially decreasing value of the superheated liquid volume for the preset metastable state (p, T = const). Obtained data fail to prove correlation 1 JVῑ = following from the condition of homogeneity and stationarity of the random process resulting in the superheated liquid boiling-up (J is the frequency of homogenous nucleation, V is the volume of the superheated liquid, ῑ is the average life time). Thus, experiments on superheated liquid boiling-up kinetics bound with measurements of average life time in glass capillaries cannot serve a proof of the validity of classical theory of nucleation for superheated liquids since one of the ground conditions — boiling-up homogeneity — is not met

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Thermophysics and Aeromechanics\\2009, V. 16, N 3. P. 445-457.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   E 97

    Experimental determination of superheated liquids boiling-up expectancy time probabilities distribution [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov, B. M. Smolyak // Thermophysics and Aeromtchanics. - 2009. - Vol.16, №4. - P627-633. - Bibliogr. : p. 633 (16 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Results of statistical measurement of n-pentane and n-hexane boiling-up expectancy time near the boundary of attainable superheating are presented. Experiments were carried out in glass capillaries with various volumes of superheated liquid. Several samples with the volume from 100 to 200 measurements of life time for preset metastable state have been obtained (p, T = const). Their histograms contain small empty initial section, maximum and long “tail” in the area of large times. Non-monotonous dependence of probability distribution density on time proves non-stationary character of the random process resulting in the production of supercritical embryo. Two simple approximations of non-stationary nucleation flow well describing experimental data have been considered. For exponential distribution, the probabilities of experimentally found peculiarities of boiling-up expectancy time distribution density have been evaluated; they prove incompatibility of this distribution with the experimental one

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Thermophysics and Aeromechanics\\2009, V. 16, N 4. P. 627-633.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   E 97

    Experimental determination of superheated liquids boiling-up expectancy time probabilities distribution [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov, B. M. Smolyak // Thermophysics and Aeromtchanics. - 2009. - Vol.16, №4. - P627-633. - Bibliogr. : p. 633 (16 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Results of statistical measurement of n-pentane and n-hexane boiling-up expectancy time near the boundary of attainable superheating are presented. Experiments were carried out in glass capillaries with various volumes of superheated liquid. Several samples with the volume from 100 to 200 measurements of life time for preset metastable state have been obtained (p, T = const). Their histograms contain small empty initial section, maximum and long “tail” in the area of large times. Non-monotonous dependence of probability distribution density on time proves non-stationary character of the random process resulting in the production of supercritical embryo. Two simple approximations of non-stationary nucleation flow well describing experimental data have been considered. For exponential distribution, the probabilities of experimentally found peculiarities of boiling-up expectancy time distribution density have been evaluated; they prove incompatibility of this distribution with the experimental one

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Thermophysics and Aeromechanics\\2009, V. 16, N 4. P. 627-633.pdf
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Инвентарный номер: нет.
   E 97

    Experimental testing of liquid boiling-up homogeneity near the boundary of the attainable superheating [Electronic resource] / E. V. Lipnyagov, S. A. Perminov, G. V. Ermakov, B. M. Smolyak // Thermophysics and Aeromtchanics. - 2009. - Vol.16, №3. - P445-457. - Bibliogr. : p. 457 (20 ref.)
ББК 53
Рубрики: ФИЗИКА
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Аннотация: Results of measured average expectancy time of n-pentane and n-hexane boiling-up to the boundary of attainable superheating are presented. Experiments have been carried out in glass capillaries with substantially decreasing value of the superheated liquid volume for the preset metastable state (p, T = const). Obtained data fail to prove correlation 1 JVῑ = following from the condition of homogeneity and stationarity of the random process resulting in the superheated liquid boiling-up (J is the frequency of homogenous nucleation, V is the volume of the superheated liquid, ῑ is the average life time). Thus, experiments on superheated liquid boiling-up kinetics bound with measurements of average life time in glass capillaries cannot serve a proof of the validity of classical theory of nucleation for superheated liquids since one of the ground conditions — boiling-up homogeneity — is not met

\\\\expert2\\NBO\\Thermophysics and Aeromechanics\\2009, V. 16, N 3. P. 445-457.pdf
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 1-20    21-40   41-52 

Сиглы отделов ЦНБ УрО РАН

  бр.ф. - Бронированный фонд

  бф - Научно-библиографический отдел

  БХЛ - Фонд художественной литературы

  ИИиА -Фонд исторической литературы в ЦНБ УрО РАН

  ИМЕТ -Отдел ЦНБ в Институте металлургии УрО РАН

  кх - Отдел фондов (книгохранениe)

  МБА - Межбиблиотечный абонемент

  мф - Методический фонд

  ок - Отдел научной каталогизации

  оку - Отдел комплектования и учета

  орф - Обменно-резервный фонд

  пф - Читальный зал деловой и патентной информации

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  ч/з - Главный читальный зал

  эр - Зал электронных ресурсов


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