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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/S 91
Автор(ы) : Levit G. L., Gruzdev D.A., Krasnov V. P., Chulakov E.N., Sadretdinova L. Sh., Ezhikova M. A., Kodess M. I., Charushin V. N.
Заглавие : Substituent effect on the stereoselectivity of acylation of racemic heterocyclic amines with N-phthaloyl-3-aryl-(S)-alanyl chlorides
Место публикации : Tetrahedron: Asymmetry . - 2011. - Vol. 22, № 2. - С. 185-189
Примечания : Bibliogr. : p. 189 (17ref.)
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Аннотация: The acylative kinetic resolution of racemic 2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and 2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-4H-1,4-benzoxazine using acyl chlorides of N-phthaloyl-(S)-phenylalanine, N-phthaloyl-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-(S)-alanine and N-phthaloyl-O-methyl-(S)-tyrosine as chiral resolving agents has been carried out. It is shown that the effectiveness of an acylative kinetic resolution depends on the electronic effects of substituents in the phenyl fragment of the acylating agent and increases as the electron-donating properties of the para-substituent (OMe H NO2) in phenyl fragment of N-phthaloyl-3-aryl-(S)-alanyl chlorides increase; conducting the process at a reduced temperature also contributes to an enhancement of the kinetic resolution
\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Tetrahedron Asymmetry\\2011, v. 22, p.185.pdf
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/R 35
Автор(ы) : Irgashev R. A., Kazin N. A., Kim G. A., Rusinov G. L., Charushin V. N.
Заглавие : Regioselective C2-and C8-Acylation of 5,11-Dihydroindolo[3,2-b]carbazoles and the Synthesis of Their 2,8-Bis(quinoxalinyl) Derivatives [Электронный ресурс]
Место публикации : Synthesis-Stuttgart. - 2015. - Vol. 47, № 22. - С. 3561-3572
Систем. требования: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/
Примечания : Bibliogr. : p. 3572 (11 ref). - 18.01.16
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): 5,11-dihydroindolo[3,2-b]carbazoles --2-arylgly-oxals--acylation
Аннотация: An efficient approach for the double acetylation of 5,11-dihexyl- 6,12-di(hetero) aryl-substituted 5,11-dihydroindolo[3,2-b] carbazoles with acetic anhydride in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate has been developed, thus affording the corresponding 2,8-diacetyl derivatives in good yields. A similar acylation has been shown to occur by the reaction of anhydrides of other carboxylic acids. Oxidation of the obtained 2,8-diacetyl derivatives with selenium dioxide takes place on heating or under microwave irradiation, thus resulting in the formation of the corresponding 2,8-diglyoxals. The latter proved to react with aromatic o-diamines to afford new indolo[3,2-b] carbazoles bearing quinoxalinyl fragments at C-2 and C-8. Major optical properties of quinoxaline- containing indolo[3,2-b] carbazoles have been measured.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/R 35
Автор(ы) : Irgashev R. A., Kazin N. A., Kim G. A., Rusinov G. L., Charushin V. N.
Заглавие : Regioselective C2- and C8-Acylation of 5,11-Dihydroindolo[3,2-b]carbazoles and the Synthesis of Their 2,8-Bis(quinoxalinyl) Derivatives [Электронный ресурс]
Место публикации : Synthesis (Germany). - 2015. - Vol.47, № 22. - С. 3561-3572
Систем. требования: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0035-1560183
Примечания : Bibliogr. : p. . - 29.03.16
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): acylation--type heteroacenes--quinoxalines
Аннотация: An efficient approach for the double acetylation of 5,11-dihexyl-6,12-di(hetero)aryl-substituted 5,11-dihydroindolo[3,2-b]carbazoles with acetic anhydride in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate has been developed, thus affording the corresponding 2,8-diacetyl derivatives in good yields. A similar acylation has been shown to occur by the reaction of anhydrides of other carboxylic acids. Oxidation of the obtained 2,8-diacetyl derivatives with selenium dioxide takes place on heating or under microwave irradiation, thus resulting in the formation of the corresponding 2,8-diglyoxals. The latter proved to react with aromatic o-diamines to afford new indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles bearing quinoxalinyl fragments at C-2 and C-8. Major optical properties of quinoxaline-containing indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles have been measured.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/R 35
Автор(ы) : Irgashev R. A., Kazin N. A., Kim G. A., Rusinov G. L., Charushin V. N.
Заглавие : Regioselective C2- and C8-Acylation of 5,11-Dihydroindolo[3,2-b]carbazoles and the Synthesis of Their 2,8-Bis(quinoxalinyl) Derivatives
Место публикации : Synthesis (Germany). - 2015. - Vol. 47, № 22. - С. 3561-3572
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Ключевые слова (''Своб.индексиров.''): 5,11-dihydroindolo[3,2-b]carbazoles--acylation-- 2-arylglyoxals
Аннотация: An efficient approach for the double acetylation of 5,11-dihexyl-6,12-di(hetero)aryl-substituted 5,11-dihydroindolo[3,2-b]carbazoles with acetic anhydride in the presence of boron trifluoride etherate has been developed, thus affording the corresponding 2,8-diacetyl derivatives in good yields. A similar acylation has been shown to occur by the reaction of anhydrides of other carboxylic acids. Oxidation of the obtained 2,8-diacetyl derivatives with selenium dioxide takes place on heating or under microwave irradiation, thus resulting in the formation of the corresponding 2,8-diglyoxals. The latter proved to react with aromatic o-diamines to afford new indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles bearing quinoxalinyl fragments at C-2 and C-8. Major optical properties of quinoxaline-containing indolo[3,2-b]carbazoles have been measured.
\\\\expert2\\nbo\\Synthesis\\2015, v. 47. N 22. p.3561-3572.pdf
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/N 10
Автор(ы) : Krasnov V. P., Levit G. L., Kodess M. I., Charushin V. N., Chupakhin O. N.
Заглавие : N-Phthaloyl-(S)-alanyl chloride as a chiral resolving agent for the kinetic resolution of heterocyclic amines
Место публикации : Tetrahedron: Asymmetry . - 2004. - Vol. 15, № 5. - С. 859-862: ил.
Примечания : Библиогр.: с. 862 (7 ref.)
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Аннотация: Acylation of heterocyclic amines with N-phthaloyl-(S)-alanyl chloride under kinetic resolution conditions resulted in the predominant formation of (S,S)-amides. The diastereoselectivity of resolution depended heavily on the structure of the resolved amine.????
\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Tetrahedron Asymmetry\\2004, v.15, p.859.pdf
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/K 46
Автор(ы) : Krasnov V. P., Levit G. L., Koroleva M. A., Bukrina I. M., Sadretdinova L. Sh., Andreeva I.N., Charushin V. N., Chupakhin O. N.
Заглавие : Kinetic resolution of heterocyclic amines by reaction with optically active acid chlorides. The effect of reaction conditions on the diastereoselectivity of acylation of (±)-3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-4H-1,4-benzoxazine [Electronic resource]
Место публикации : Russian Chemical Bulletin (Translation of Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya). - 2004. - Vol. 53, № 6. - С. 1253-1256
Систем. требования: http://www.springerlink.com/content/r4732rtu8517k4p2/fulltext.pdf
Примечания : 24.10.2011
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Аннотация: The influence of the reaction conditions (solvent, base) on the diastereoselectivity of acylation of (±)-3-methyl-2,3-dihydro-4H-1,4-benzoxazine with (S)-naproxen and N-tosyl-(S)-proline chlorides was studied. The highest diastereoselectivity was observed for the reaction carried out in benzene in the presence of aliphatic tertiary amines
\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Russian Chemical Bulletin\\2004, 53 (6), 1253.pdf
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/K 46
Автор(ы) : Levit G. L., Krasnov V. P., Demin A. M., Kodess M. I., Sadretdinova L. Sh., Matveeva T. V., Ol'shevskaya V. A., Kalinin V. N., Chupakhin O. N., Charushin V. N.
Заглавие : Kinetic resolution of 1-methyl- and 1-phenyl-3-amino-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes via acylation with chiral acyl chlorides [Electronic resource]
Место публикации : Mendeleev Communications. - 2004. - Vol. 14, № 6. - С. 293-295
Систем. требования: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959943604704150
Примечания : 11.10.2011
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Аннотация: A study of the kinetic resolution of racemic 1-substituted 3-amino-1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaboranes by chiral acyl chlorides has shown that N-tosyl-(S)-prolyl and N-phthaloyl-(S)-alaninyl chlorides are more efficient resolving agents than (S)-naproxen chloride.
\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Mendeleev Communications\\2004, v.14, p.293.pdf
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/K 46
Автор(ы) : Krasnov V. P., Levit G. L., Andreeva I.N., Grishakov A. N., Charushin V. N., Chupakhin O. N.
Заглавие : Kinetic resolution of (±)-2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and (±)-2-methylindoline [Electronic resource]
Место публикации : Mendeleev Communications. - 2002. - Vol. 12, № 1. - С. 27-28
Систем. требования: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959943602705750
Примечания : 12.10.2011
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Аннотация: The acylation of racemic 2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and 2-methylindoline by (S)-naproxen acyl chloride resulted in their kinetic resolution with the predominant formation of (S,S)-diastereoisomeric amides (de 78–76%), recrystallisation of which followed by acid hydrolysis gave individual (S)-isomers of heterocyclic amines????
\\\\expert2\\nbo\\Mendeleev Communications\\2002, v.12, N 1. p.27.pdf
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/K 46
Автор(ы) : Krasnov V. P., Levit G. L., Bukrina I. M., Andreeva I.N., Sadretdinova L. Sh., Koroleva M. A., Kodess M. I., Charushin V. N., Chupakhin O. N.
Заглавие : Kinetic resolution of (±)-2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-4H-1,4-benzoxazine, (±)-2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and (±)-2-methylindoline using N-tosyl-(S)-prolyl chloride
Место публикации : Tetrahedron: Asymmetry . - 2003. - Vol. 14, № 14. - С. 1985-1988
Примечания : Bibliogr. : p. 1988 (6 ref.)
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Аннотация: Acylation of racemic 2,3-dihydro-3-methyl-4H-1,4-benzoxazine, 2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline and 2-methylindoline with N-tosyl-(S)-prolyl chloride resulted in their kinetic resolution with the predominant formation of (R,S)-diastereoisomeric amides, des being 80, 66 and 38%, respectively. Recrystallisation of the amides followed by acid hydrolysis gave individual (R)-enantiomers of heterocyclic amines
\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Tetrahedron Asymmetry\\2003, v.14, p.1985.pdf
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания : 54/F 70
Автор(ы) : Nosova E. V., Lipunova G. N., Laeva A. A., Charushin V. N.
Заглавие : Fluoro-containing heterocycles: Part XIII. Fluoro-containing derivatives of thiazolo[3,2-a]-, benzothiazolo[3,2-a]-, and benzimidazo[3,2-a]quinazolinones [Electronic resource]
Место публикации : Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry (Translation of Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii). - 2005. - Vol. 41, № 11. - С. 1671-1677
Систем. требования: http://www.springerlink.com/content/u21w6654g5j75q05/fulltext.pdf
Примечания : Библиогр. : с. 1677 (22 назв.). - 28.10.2011 г.
ББК : 54
Предметные рубрики: ХИМИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ
Аннотация: Reactions of 2-aminothiazole, derivatives of 2-aminobenzothiazole and 2-aminobenzoimidazole with polyfluorobenzoyl chlorides gave rise to acylation products that at heating in the diphenyl ether formed fluoro-containing derivatives of thiazolo[3,2- a]-, benzothiazolo[3,2- a]-, and benzimidazo[3,2- a]quinazolinone.
\\\\Expert2\\nbo\\Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry\\2005, 41 (11), 1671.pdf
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