Эпигенетическая трансформация калийных и магниевых руд Верхнекамского месторождения солей

Чайковский И. И. Эпигенетическая трансформация калийных и магниевых руд Верхнекамского месторождения солей / И. И. Чайковский // Рудогенез = Ore genesis : материалы междунар. конф., (2 -7 фев. 2008 г.) : сб. науч. ст. - Миасс ; Екатеринбург, 2008. - С. 331-334.



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The primary sedimentation structure of the Verkhnekamsk deposit is complicated by the presence of abnormal sites where there is a stone salt instead of banded sylvinite, and mostly sylvinite and even halitites -instead of carnallite layers. Transformation of the primary structure of salts is accompanied by the formation of plaster that gives a basis to assume the generation in salt thickness of fresh waters probably due to liberation of the constitutional water from clay minerals. The part of water is connected with tectonic deformations.