На основе анализа данных о находках костных остатков крупных млекопитающих на Северном, Среднем и Южном Урале (63-51° с.ш.; 56-62° в.д.) установлено, что здесь смешите друг друга хапровский, одесский, таманский, тираспольский, сингальский, хазарский и мамонтовый фаунистические комплексы. Проведено сравнение видового состава фаунистических групп разных климато-хронологических подразделений второй половины позднего неоплейстоцена и голоцена. Установлено, что проявление природной зональности в составе фаун мамонтового и голоценового комплексов было примерно одного масштаба. Формирование голоценового комплекса произошло главным образом в результате двух процессов - некомпенсированного вымирания и изменения ареалов. Роль человека в изменении видового состава териофауны на рассматриваемом отрезке времени не выявлена. Analysis of the available data on mega-mammal fossils found in the North, Middle, and South Urals (51-63° N., 56-62° E.) allowed demonstrate that the whole series of faunal complexes replaced each other in the region during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene time (Khaprovsky, Odessky, Tamansky, Tiraspolsky, Singhilsky, Khazarsky, and the Mammoth complexes). Features of the complexes’ compositions by faunal groups characteristic of different climatic and chronological divisions of the late neo-Pleistocene second half and of the Holocene time, were compared using the Chekanovsky-Sjerensen’s, and Shimkevich-Sympson’s indexes, as well as the symbols’ test. It was found that the scale of nature zonality contribution to the faunal contents was about the same during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods. The mammoth complex and Holocene communities differed primarily by their species contents, and also by the quantity of taxa, which were few during the Holocene time. The Holocene complex was formed due to action of the two main processes: non-compensated extinction and changes of the species ranges. The species demonstrated different rates of these processes, indicating to peculiar species’ reactions of big mammals following the same climatic changes. Communities of big mammals were marked to change quicker in the south than in the north regions, and the whole process may be described using the ”over-kill” model. Neither human-made effect was found to influence changes of the fauna species composition during the period at study. The climate changes are concerned as the main factor to cause shifting of mega-mammals fauna contents.