Role of water in the heat treatments to improve the critical parameters of the YBa2Cu3O6.9

Zyuzeva N. A. Role of water in the heat treatments to improve the critical parameters of the YBa2Cu3O6.9 / N. A. Zyuzeva, I. B. Bobylev, E. G. Gerasimov // Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry (26-30 September, 2016, Ekaterinburg) : Abstract book in 5 volumes / Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I. Ya. Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis [et al.]. - Vol. 2b : Chemistry and Technology of Materials and Nanomaterials. - Ekaterinburg, 2016. - P. 223.



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  • Химическая технология, Химические науки

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