A suture zone is a narrow and long geological substance (as a rule it has the contacts of the big geotec-tonic blocks) of multiple composition. Its location’s base is the mantle horizons of the Earth. The suture zones are the tectonic structures with magmatites, metamorphites-metasomatites and polygenic and polychronous deposits of the different metals. The Urals suture zones are perspective on the following deposits: Fe, Cr, Cu, Au, Al, chrysotile-asbestos, antigorite serpentinites, gems and decorative facing stones. A collision process played a dual role in the suture zones. It caused the transformation of earlier ore association (in massive sulfide, chromite, Fe-skarn and other deposits). But on the other hand it is a reason of formation of different types of mineralization (talc, talc-carbonate, rare metals, gold, etc.).