Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of a nanocomposite based on mesoporous silicon oxide and nickel oxide(II)

Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of a nanocomposite based on mesoporous silicon oxide and nickel oxide(II) / E. V. Saenko and etc. // The Optimization of the Composition, Structure and Properties of Metals, Oxides, Composites, Nano- and Amorphous Materials : eleventh Israeli-Russian Bi-National Workshop 2012, July 9-14 / Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Institute of Metallurgy of UB RAS and etc. ; eds.: L. Leontiev, M. Zinigrad. - Chernogolovka, 2012. - P. 143-152.



Связанные персоналии: 



  • Технология металлов. Машиностроение. Приборостроение, Физика, Химические науки

Вид издания: 

  • статья из сборника трудов конференции
