The Urals is one of the most industrialized and urbanized regions of Russia with high concentration of hazardous industries. In spite of sharp decrease of industrial production output in the last decade, losses from natural, industrial and social accidents remain high. So the priority assessment for protection of population, economy and environment from natural and technological hazards is the objective of vital importance. As the first step to the risk management natural and technological hazards in Sverdlovsk Oblast were identified. Quantitative risk assessment was carried out for natural disaster risk (earthquakes, floods, meteorological hazards, forest fires, infection diseases); technological risk (industrial fires and explosions, ejection of toxic substances, transport and high-pressure pipe-lines accidents); environmental health risk (cancer risk from air and drinking water chemical and radioactive contamination, radon). It was found that not natural hazards and industrial accidents but general welfare and other socioeconomic factors play the key role in mortality rate and economy losses.