В качестве первичных колонизаторов на стволах лиственных пород отмечены Cerrena unicolor, Daedaleopsis septentrionalis, Schizophyllum commune, Stereum hirsutum, Trametes hirsute. Стволы с корой хвойных пород заселяют Dacrymyces chrysospermus, Exidia saccharina, Schizophyllum commune. На свежих спилах стволов как лиственных, так и хвойных пород развиваются деревоокрашивающие грибы и Stereum sanguinolentum. Остальные первичные деструкторы — макромицеты относятся к видам с низкой численностью. На основании приведенных данных можно заключить, что плотность заселения базидиальными макромицетами древесины после первого года вывала и, следовательно, скорость ее биодеструкции невысоки.
74 species of the xylotrophic basidiomycetes were determinated on 10 species in the forests of Visim reserve, which is situated in the southern taiga of the Middle Ural. The spreading of fungi had been stadied within forest formations in 1997: 38 species of wood rotting fungi grown on the coniferous trees and 49 species on deciduous trees. 11 species of basidiomycetes were atributed as dominating species. 7 species were pretty rare: some of them were inscrabed in the Red book of Russia or the Red book of the Middle Ural and the others were of very low numbers. All rare fungi species were regarded as indicators of untouched nature forests. 10 species caused the rots of undamaged trees in the forests. The falling trees with cortex and without damage were settled by only 8 species of wood rotting macromycetes, which were considered as the first colonists.